I am currently under unofficial house arrest, in solitary confinement, under curfew and I was being starved at one point and had to risk my life by going to forage for food and a whole lot worse.

Sounds extreme? Sounds unbelievable? Yes to both of those, only they have documented it thousnds of times in their conversations, finding it hilarious that I am a prisoner of the secret war (POW). Again, I can prove the countless attempts they have made to have me ‘removed’ for what I have learned about their dark and dirty secrets. They are so extreme I can not even reveal them on this platform as it will be deemed extreme content and they will try anything to have this content removed. They have tried to secretly have me sectioned as they do to countless Whistleblowers, they have tried to have me put in prison but have failed so far, they have decreed psychological warfare against me so that I take my own life but I now know how they operate because I have spent five years reading their conversations, manuals, operational handbooks and acts of war.

I am on trial yet again on more false and fake charges and have now been assaulted by 30-40 police, always when I am on my own so that there are no witnesses…I’m not sure if I will survive another ‘arrest’, I was very lucky I did last time…

Please help me get this critical information no one was ever supposed to see, out into the world for all to see.