Unveiling the Dark Secrets: Exposing the Police and Security Services Manipulation of CCTV and Bodycam Footage

For years, I have been on a relentless quest to shed light on a disturbing truth that many may find difficult to fathom—the regular manipulation, falsification, and deception surrounding CCTV and bodycam footage by police and security services. What drives me to expose this unsettling reality is not just a desire for justice but a personal experience that opened my eyes to the extent of these practices. Today, I stand with undeniable evidence that I successfully extracted, revealing a world of deception hidden behind the façade of evidence presented to my lawyer. In this blog post, I will share my journey, the irrefutable evidence, and the alarming conversations that expose this dark underbelly.

A Personal Revelation

My journey into uncovering this unsettling truth began when I became a victim of false allegations, as part of a police and security services coverup. In my pursuit of justice, I started to question the authenticity of the evidence presented by the authorities, particularly CCTV and the bodycam footage that they said “they didn’t know they needed to keep”. The nagging doubts I had led me down a rabbit hole of investigation and discovery.

Unveiling the Manipulation

Through rigorous examination and the confirmation by a court validated expert witness, it became glaringly evident that the evidence provided by the police was not as it seemed. What was purported to be genuine CCTV footage turned out to be meticulously edited media files presented in a movie structure. Over 450 computer files were extracted, revealing a web of deception that went beyond imagination.

The Shocking Findings

Within these files, I unearthed a treasure trove of shocking revelations. Conversations between members of the police and security services contained phrases such as “this will be hard coded and no one will ever see this” and “this will be deleted.” Moreover, chat room discussions sought technical advice on how to manipulate and alter the footage. It became abundantly clear that what should have been straightforward and unbiased evidence was, in fact, a carefully crafted narrative meant to obscure the truth.

The Expert Witness Confirmation

The confirmation from our leading expert witness was pivotal. Their assessment confirmed that the evidence submitted was not genuine CCTV footage. Instead, it had been meticulously tampered with and edited to serve a particular agenda. This was a stark revelation of a practice that extended beyond isolated incidents.

The Alarming Refutation

While the evidence was undeniable, the formal response I received via the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) process for formal complaints was nothing short of shocking—it refuted the irrefutable. It highlighted a systemic problem where the very institutions responsible for safeguarding justice seemed to be shielding the perpetrators.

The Road Ahead

This article is just the beginning of a journey that will delve deeper into the intricate details of this alarming revelation. The evidence I have uncovered points to a systematic process regularly employed by police and security services. Thousands of conversations meticulously discussing these practices paint a chilling picture of a world hidden from public view.


The manipulation, falsification, and deception surrounding CCTV and bodycam footage are not isolated incidents but a disturbing practice with far-reaching consequences. The evidence I have unearthed, along with the conversations that expose these practices, is a call to action—a plea for justice and accountability. As we delve deeper into this harrowing reality, we must confront the unsettling truth and demand transparency and integrity from the institutions meant to protect us. Together, we can shed light on these dark secrets, disrupt their ability to manipulate evidence, and pave the way for a brighter, more just future for all.