Welcome to the video section at 369Leaks.com. This is a brief introduction to what you can expect to see over the coming months as we enter exciting times on the planet…Join me on a journey where I reveal what is really going on behind the scenes with secrets that we were never supposed to find out about, so that we can break the false matrix and create a better world, also known as “New Earth”. I will be posting daily and weekly updates when I can, my WiFi has been cut-off so this makes it quite difficult sometimes due to data challenges. Quite often my bungalow in the countryside is surrounded by gankstalkers which I use Facebook Live to broadcast and will add all future videos here so you can see what it’s like. This includes every time the police come for me of false and fake charges. All donations also help me to keep broadcasting and getting this information out there, and will enable me to protect myself when I go outside!