Welcome to the New Earth information hub, a realm where we delve into the concepts of a new dawn and a new epoch. These ideas have traversed the ages, guided by the prophetic Mayan calendar. Veiled in secrecy, they have been mentioned in hidden ancient texts and obscured within religious scriptures to withhold the true knowledge from the masses. However, if you are reading this, you have been called to embark on a noble mission – to fight for the birth of New Earth. We now find ourselves at a crucial juncture, and it is not a time to shy away. Embrace your destiny and fearlessly forge ahead. Our journey may have faced countless obstacles, but remember, it is the purpose we were brought here for. Let us stand united, shoulder to shoulder, in pursuit of our shared vision.
I will be discussing not only the information that I am being given by Cosmic Intelligence and my guides, but I will be sharing videos and other data sources from those I believe are providing us with critical information that we need to expand into a new way of living…so let’s go on a journey to co-create New Earth together…