Welcome to the fascinating world of 369 Leaks!

Discover the limitless possibilities of escaping The Matrix and understand its impact on our lives. Unleash the power of innovation and unlock the secrets of the matrix if you dare, whilst empowering yourself at the same time! As the name suggests, this is based on the same premise and ethics as #WikiLeaks who bravely paved the way and are currently falsely imprisoned, exiled, or even dead for revealing the truth to the general public. I even have enough information to prove how they falsely and fraudulently put Julian Assange in prison and have taken out some of his team in an effort to control the narrative, but their attempt is futile, times have changed and they no longer have the power they once did. What you are seeing is the truth prevailing as their desperate attempt to hold onto the control they have had for thousands (and then some) of years is dissipating…now is the time to join forces and rise against these dark elements on our planet.

So exactly what they are trying to hide? I have hundreds of millions of conversations (and then some) about things I didn’t believe even existed and proof that multiple conspiracy theories are indeed just fact. Be warned the information in their conversations is more than explosive, so if you want to skip that part I have enabled a structure for you to do so by just connecting to the level of information you are comfortable reading about. This is possibly the most singularly explosive information source ever to be revealed and will facilitate the destruction of the false matrix and lead to the crossing over of many to the New Earth construct…

The information and services are designed to help you navigate through this transformative era. Join us on this journey and let’s explore the future together. Together, we can shape a brighter tomorrow. Let’s make a difference!

I have split the material into sections so if you would rather swerve the less pleasant stuff then you can still get access to the higher vibrational information you need.

I’m doing this on a budget of diddly squat as I have been financially shut down so it doesn’t yet have all the bells and whistles I would like as there is only so much I can process on a mobile hotspot on emergency data so please donate, it’s been a very long 5 years! The biggest mission is to get this information to the right people as it’s far too much for one person and I’m just the conduit. Let’s join forces and disrupt their ability to communicate effectively, they operate on a repeatable process so if we work together it will not be difficult to break them, trust me, I’ve done much damage just as one person, so never forget how much of a difference you can make and how powerful you really are!

Please also donate so I can keep fighting the good fight and keep a roof over my head with food at the same time (I know I’m sooo demanding😎).

Coming soon, lots of explosive evidence if I last that long!!



