Welcome to 369Leaks services, your ultimate guide to navigating the depths of The Matrix and out the other side. Discover the secrets that lie within and learn how to liberate yourself. Unveil the truth and unlock your full potential. It’s time to break free and embrace a new reality. Join me on this extraordinary journey toward enlightenment and self-discovery. Step out of the shadows and into the light. The path is clear, the choice is yours. Are you ready to exit The Matrix?

I am still recovering, so I have been unable to provide any services for some time. I am planning to restore my health using some of the donations so I am able to begin a more direct service to the collective. If you would like to find out more please contact me at thequantumseeker@protonmail.com in the first instance, as I may be able to provide a donation-based solution until I return to full health.

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I am in a very lucky position to be able to empower people to exit The Matrix and create their dream life filled with abundance and joy, as we move into New Earth, using information channelled from various Galactic energies, especially The Arcturian’s. I can provide both mentoring and coaching services, from 3D to 5D and beyond by travelling through the layers of higher consciousness as an Ambassador of Galactic Consciousness and a Master of New Earth Creation so watch this space…


Future Vision Coaching, where business and spirituality meet

Future Vision Coach and soon to be FLP Practitioner:

As a Future Vision Coach, I am currently being trained as an FLP Practitioner by the fabulous Anne Jirsche, FLP creator, author, visionary and all round Oracle.

Anne has been helping me develop my Superpowers and activating new ones…are you ready to join me on your own superhero journey into the future…



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‘ Personal Membership:

I empower people to exit The Matrix and create their dream life as we move into New Earth, filled with abundance and joy, using information channelled from source and various Galactic energies, especially The Arcturian’s. Connecting with other like minded souls as part of an expansive journey as we discover knowledge that has been hidden from us and denied by those in ‘positions of authority’ for thousands of years…time to connect the dots and take your power back!



Business and Management Consulting (POA)

I channel New Earth solutions for your business challenges by tapping into the same cosmic intelligence field as Tesla, De Vinci, and Plato amongst many others. I can also direct the implementation of the solution to ensure it successfully manifests correctly into place. I have over 25 years of management consulting experience around the world working in leading organisations.

I am here to help manifest new higher vibrational technology onto the planet as a Master of New Earth Creation and Guardian of Truth.