This is the shocking truth about systemic corruption and my experience of being continually targeted and bullied by the establishment, for the last five years. My mobile, laptop, home phone, emails, texts, financial transactions, and all movements were and in some cases still are monitored 24/7, and there have been multiple missions to “terminate” my life quite literally.

My story is more bizarre than a Netflix series, and every time I think it has ended, I find myself under attack again, arrested on false and fake charges and put on trial. I will be documenting my extreme journey so that you can see just how far the system has been prepared to go to cover up their crimes against humanity, as they know that I have ALL the evidence…

 So how did it all start?

Why? I was violently attacked by a “bored” (his words not mine) undercover MOD policeman at Swindon train station and as I was travelling on my own they said I attacked two men to cover-up their appalling violence. Whilst fighting hard to prove my innocence I found secret messages on the internet by the man who attacked me. I reported this to the Directors of the National Crime Agency (NCA) but was unaware at the time this man worked for the security service so effectively reported the NCA to the NCA!

As a well educated, successful businesswoman, I didn’t even know the matrix existed until I was attacked by a very nasty man at a train station when my whole world fell apart. It turns out that he was a bored, misogynistic undercover MOD policeman on an unsuccessful undercover operation and so decided that I would be their fun for the evening. When the police came I was expecting to be rescued, but in fact it was the opposite and I was arrested for assaulting two men, dragged off by an excessive amount of policemen and put in the cells for the night. I was battered and bruised, with concussion and had absolutely no idea what was happening to me. I cried the whole night… I was told that I had assaulted a policeman, this was the giveaway but I didn’t realise it at that point that this dark-vibed man, who I thought was a nightclub bouncer was actually undercover police trying to catch what they call country lines operators using the train network. I gave my statement trying to explain what had happened, I had made a customer complaint which is how it all started not knowing that they were actually showing off in front off each other, and how dare I make a complaint…from then on I was gaslit for years. They just kept changing the story and I didn’t understand what was happening, they asked me to come back in for another interview so I did and there they accused me of trying to strangle one of the men (this accusation later disappeared from all records and the interview tape), but I could take a caution and it would be dropped. NO WAY, I was the one attacked!! Still not knowing I was dealing with the dark side of the security forces at this point I refused, so they put me on trial for 3 and a half years to try and coverup for one of the ‘brothers’. I did my research to defend my case and ran background checks on the names I had been given in the paperwork, and nothing added up. I eventually found a phone number for the main guy who attacked me, through a piece of evidence I found on the internet relating to another legal case. This phone number led me to find a strange conversation on the internet, I studied the material for hours as I had no other leads and nothing added up, something in my gut kept telling me to keep going and not to give up….

To be continued…


  • Faked CCTV footage: 466 files that show the police CCTV was faked, including team conversations of the changes and edits made to footage by the establishment
  • Faked police interviews as part of the cover-up
  • Physically assaulted multiple times, threatened and intimidated by the establishment on a regular basis
  • 100’s of millions of pages of totally outrageous and disgusting conversations containing details of corruption, manipulation, brutality and control of the general public
  • Perjury in court and false statements by the police and the establishment
  • 19 court dates before the case was thrown out
  • I was identified as a “risk to the system’” and “a political problem” for speaking my truth and proving my innocence
  • Various governments and security service departments have joined forces and have been been trying destroy my house because they have a dark agenda, using the guise of council property development to hide their corrupt activities. All the details are contained in their conversations and released to the public February 2022.
  • They have been  on a mission to bankrupt me, as penance and was falsely given a zero credit rating 
  • Banks have been instructed to shut me down by the establishment.
  • They have had my work contracts terminated, with false accusations for termination and leading to non-payment of contract
  • I am still under unofficial house arrest, in solitary confinement, under a curfew, canceled, and financially and socially shut down to name but a few
  • This is a shocking truth of an existing process, used to manipulate the system, I am clearly not the first, but I am the longest to survive and definitely the one that has the most devastating evidence against them🙌 


So where am I now   I am still under unofficial house arrest.  I am on trial again on more false and fake charges.  I am under the same process as Julian Assange. This time they had to come for me at my house as I won’t leave due to police and system brutality, I was assaulted, handcuffed, legcuffed, trust up like a turkey and parraded in from the neighbours by 8 policeman…My atroucious offence, dancing in the garden wearing heaphones, enjoying myself as I had read that they were coming for me. After assutting me they of course lied and said I tried to kick one of them when I actually only had a free leg to try and push him off of me when he was knealing on me and acusing great pain as I was already painfully handcuffed with my hands behind my back at this point. On trial again, this time in Crown Court as they do their best to put me in prison for finding there dirty secrets, in exactly the same way they have done to Julian Assange. In fact, they know as as do I, that I have enough information to have him proved innocent of all made up charges, and have their corrupt conversations to prove it. It’s classified as a ‘DO NOT REPORT’ case which means I won’t get any publicity as I had thought I would by going to Crown Court. I have also read their plans for the ‘jury’ at my trial and the ‘judge’.