This section delves into the workings of the Independent Office for Police Conduct ans associated security services and government operations (including the invisible government/deep state), shedding light on the process of making a formal complaint and the subsequent review conducted by the implicated police force. Unfortunately, this system allows for the corrupt elements to deny any wrongdoing, even in the face of irrefutable evidence. Evidently, they resort to deception and lies.

Having personally experienced this flawed process through five serious formal complaints, I am compelled to share the glaring disparities it perpetuates. Regrettably, the current system dismisses our grievances, leaving us utterly drained of energy and faith.

My aim in filing these complaints was to expose the inherent bias against us and emphasize the relentless targeting Whistleblowers endure. It is not simply a matter of uneven odds; they actively come after us with malicious intent. Furthermore, I will address the alarming parallels between the treatment I have faced and the flagrant abuses inflicted upon Julian Assange et al. We, along with countless others, find ourselves denied even the most basic of Human Rights.

It should be noted that I have access to thousands of conversations discussing my complaints to the IOPC, the details of the incidents, details of the set-up where applicable as a Targetted Individual for knowing too much about their clandestine and dirty operations,  and full disclosure of the coverup, of the coverups, of the coverups…I have it ALL…I know, I still find it hard to believe and I have the information!